Infinite Liars (from the archives)
Regrettably, this essay consists entirely of lies—every sentence in it, including this one, is false.
For this week’s post, let me share an essay from the archives, Infinite Liars, which I have set for my philosophy of mathematics students to read this week. Please join along with us.
This essay treats all aspects of the famous puzzle, including the Epimenides paradox, the Liar paradox, the Liar’s revenge, the infinite Liar, the disquotational theory of truth, the Grelling-Nelson paradox, iterated truth predicates, the no-proposition solution, the Russell paradox, Berry’s revenge paradox, the Gödel sentence, self-reference in arithmetic, the incompleteness theorems, Tarski’s theorem on the non-definability of truth, the infinite Gödel sentences, the truth-teller sentence, Löb's theorem, and more.
Go to the full essay here: Infinite Liars.